Become a member

Chamber of Commerce

Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce

Become a member of your local Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce (MCC) and reap the rewards! Join the many businesses that meet monthly at the Business after 5’s and network!

Support to help your business grow

Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce is run by a dedicated team of volunteers from the business sector through various committee’s and sub-committee’s and the CEO/Promotions Manager.

Monthly Business After 5 networking seminars are organised for the benefit of Business members and hosted by local Morrinsville business owners.

Business after 5

Cathy at Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce – 07 8895575 or email

Become part of the Chamber

Become a member of your local Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce (MCC) and reap the rewards!Join the many businesses that meet monthly at the Business after 5’s and network!

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