Things to do

Chamber of Commerce

Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce

Become a member or learn more about the Chamber of Commerce

Become a member of your local Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce (MCC) and reap the rewards!

Join the many businesses that meet monthly at the Business after 5’s and network!

Promotion of your business or the services you provide through the Morrinsville Information Centre

MCC is responsible for a variety of events held annually for the benefit of Morrinsville and the wider community. Most notable are the MBS Advisors Fireworks Extravaganza in November and the CooperAitken Christmas Parade held in December.

Monthly Business After 5 networking seminars are organised for the benefit of Business members and hosted by local Morrinsville business owners. Check the events page for more details on this month’s BA5.

Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce is run by a dedicated team of volunteers from the business sector through various committee’s and sub-committee’s and the CEO/Promotions Manager.

Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce has two types of membership:

Business Membership:

Annual cost of $315.00 (excl. GST) $362.25 (incl. GST)
(What do you get for your $$$: mention of your business on the website; Morrinsville Moos newsletter and regular updates; notification of upcoming events; opportunity of taking part in promotions/events; networking; business after 5 network evenings; information on your business or service through the Morrinsville Information Centre; information in “welcome to Morrinsville” packs and much more)

Associate Membership:

Annual cost of $100.00 (incl. of gst)
(What do you get for your $$$: mention of your club/organisation and the services you provide on display at the Morrinsville Information Centre; details of your event/activity can be listed on the website; information of upcoming events will be listed in the Morrinsville Moos Newsletter and contribution to the continued running of the Morrinsville Visitor Information Centre). Promotion of activity/event through Waikato Community Radio reports.

To find out more about anything mentioned above please feel free to


Telephone: 07 8895575

Address: 251 Thames Street, Morrinsville 3340

Postal Address: P O Box 40, Morrinsville 3300

Alliance Partnerships (benefits of being associated with the NZ Chamber of Commerce network)

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