Explore Morrinsville

We can offer you quality Accommodation, Restaurants and Eateries. Complimented by a full range of retail and other services.
Local Businesses
Cows per Capita
Drive from Hamilton
Contact us for more information
Morrinsville Information Centre

    The Morrinsville Information Centre staff offer helpful information to visitors passing through as well as assisting the residents of Morrinsville and the wider community.
    Our shelves are well stocked with up to date Maps and Brochures of New Zealand destinations.

    Opening Hours
    Mon-Fri 8.30am – 4.30pm
    Weekend/Public Holidays:
    Saturday: 9.30am – 2.30pm
    Closed Sundays (Winter Months May to October)
    Closed Christmas Day & Boxing Day


    Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce

    Become a member of your local Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce (MCC) and reap the rewards.
    Join the many businesses that meet monthly at the Business after 5’s and network… Read more

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